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Tap-tap is the story of the Melody and the Rhythm, two characters that met by chance and discover that doing things together is much better than doing them separately.

With five dancers on the stage, small wooden platforms and sound carpets, the show is a journey through the different musical rhythms. The claw, body percussion and sand dancing on different surfaces interact with the melody of the song or the xylophone.

The show is structured by a series of short choreographies that explore the magical world of sounds. The last part consists of a game of riddles, where the public has to guess the different types of rhythms and sounds. A small educational dossier will be given to schools.

Guillem Alonso is surrounded by five young dancers that belong to a new generation. They are willing to communicate the essence of tap dance, mainly as a rhytmic and visual instrument.


Propera estrena: 2020

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