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Barcelona Rhythm Tap

BRT plays with tap dance as a basic form of rhythm composition. It works with different textures and surfaces, and seeks the rhythm without the need of a musical accompaniment.

Rhythm Tap: this is a style that has emerged from the evolution of tap dance. It requires a great technical quality that allows to achieve different rhythmic tones. The taps of the shoes emit high and low sounds. That’s why we can use tap dance as an instrument of jazz music: we can follow a melody and we can improvise freely with rhythmic patterns or a voice accompaniment.

Barcelona Rhythm Tap (BRT) is born from an initiative of the dancer and choreographer Guillem Alonso, of recognized prestige both inside and outside our country (
Camut Band, Tap Olé, Boogie Woogie Tap), in order to create a stable company of emerging tap dancers in our city. A company that bases its work on rhythm and improvisation, and where the personal style of each dancer is essential.

Nou Espectacle:  TAP-TAP

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